Missionary Nursing

Michael Mason

Michael Mason

Division Director

The Missions Division prepares workers for effective cross-cultural ministry.

While studying missions, you will receive balanced, professional training for the huge task of mission work. Class discussions, debates, missiological research, guest mission lecturers, mission chapels, simulated cross-cultural games, international meals, missionary conventions, Jungle Camp, and other events and practical experiences provide training to put you on the cutting-edge of critical issues impacting missions.
The missions instructors base their courses upon effective missions philosophy and solid biblical principles.

Missionary Nursing Requirements

Program Objectives

In keeping with the Institutional Goals, the Missionary Nursing Program is designed specifically:

1. To help the student come to a commitment of fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord and Savior.

2. To enable the student to construct a Biblical understanding of Christian ministry to people.

3. To provide a foundational education upon which the student will build as he/she pursues nursing studies.

4. To develop skills and abilities necessary to begin cross cultural living and ministry in missions-related health care.

Course Requirements are as follows (Total 120 credits):

General Education, 40 credits:

PT 101 College Study Skills 1 credit
SS 111 History of Western Civ. I 3 credits
LL 111 English Composition I 3 credits
SS 112 History of Western Civ. II 3 credits
LL 112 English Composition II 3 credits
PS 131 General Psychology 3 credits
LL 211 Speech Communication 3 credits
General Electives 21 credits
Usually transferred from Nursing School.

Bible/Theology, 30 credits:

BI 111 Old Testament Survey 3 credits
BI 112 New Testament Survey 3 credits
BI 121 Gospels I 3 credits
BI 122 Gospels II 3 credits
BI ––– Bible Electives 12 credits
TH ––– Theology Electives 6 credits


Professional Education, 50 credits:

PT 122 Personal Evangelism I 1 credit
PT 221 Personal Evangelism II 1 credit
PT 222 Personal Evangelism III 1 credit
PT 422 Missionary Internship I 3 credits
PT 424 Missionary Internship II 3 credits
MI ––– Missions Elective 9 credits
MI 331 Contemporary Issues in Intercultural Ministry is highly recommended.
Professional Electives 32 credits
Transferred from Nursing School

Missionary Internships are usually done in the summers between the sophomore and junior and senior years.

The two years at Penn View will be followed by a two-year Registered Nursing program (Regarded as 53 credits for Penn View program) at an approved School of Nursing.  Students are to maintain their missionary emphasis wherever possible in the projects assigned in connection with the Nursing program. Students are to sign a Missionary Nursing Agreement (available from the Director of Missions) to formalize their commitments throughout the terms in Nursing School.

Students must apply directly to the Nursing School at least one year in advance of the semester they plan to attend nursing classes there.  Students who have not had high school chemistry will need to make up the deficiency.  The Academic Dean will have application forms, but admission to the School of Nursing is the students’ responsibility.  The School of Nursing controls acceptance into their program.

Graduates will receive diplomas from both Penn View Bible Institute and the School of Nursing and will be eligible to take the National Council for Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) for licensure as a registered professional nurse.

Suggested Schedule

(beginning even-numbered fall)