Attendance Requirements

At Penn View Bible Institute, class attendance and chapel attendance are required. The Academpic Dean will determine whether an absence or tardy is excused or unexcused.

Excused absences will be granted for personal illness, death in the immediate family (including a grandparent), emergency, or serious winter road conditions.

 Excessive unexcused absence and tardiness will result in a reduction of grade for that class. Reduction of grade begins when the accumulated unexcused abence exceeds the equivalent of one week of attendance for the class. The rate of reduction is one letter grade for each absence beyond the limit.

Unexcused abnsences the last day of class prior to a holiday and the frist day of class after a holiday will be assessed double.

Lateness to class will be recorded. Unexcused tardies will be accumulated and combined at the rate of three tardies equaling one unexcused absence. If a student is late for class more than one-third of the class period, he is considered absent.

Students absent from four consecutive or six non-consecutive classes without proper excuse will be dropped from the class. No credits will be granted if a student has been absent from one-fifth or more of the class sessions for any reason.