Academic Policies
Students are expected to take scheduled examinations at the announced times unless prior arrangement has been made with the instructor. The Academic Dean must also approve a semester final examination taken later than the announced time. Scheduled exams missed for other than excused absences may or may not be retaken, at the discretion of the instructor. When a make-up exam is given in the case of an unexcused absence, a late examination fee ($1.00 or $2.00) must be paid at the business office where a late exam permit slip will be issued. In the case where the instructor elects not to give a make-up examination, an “F-O” grade will be given for the missed test. No late exam fee is required in the case of a test missed for an excused absence. Unscheduled (“pop”) quizzes missed for un-excusable reasons may or may not be given, also at the discretion of the instructor.
Academic Course Load
Fifteen credits is considered a normal course load. Students must have permission to carry more than 17 credits (including music organizations and private lessons). Students who are employed full time (32 hours per week or more) must receive permission from the Academic Dean to take more than 13 credits (including music organizations and private lessons).
Academic Probation
Any student who fails to maintain a 2.0 (C) grade point average for the semester is placed on academic probation. The student must carry a reduced course load as well as demonstrate significant progress toward remedying this deficiency the following semester. If substantial progress is not made toward reducing the deficiency during the probation period, the student may enroll only by permission of the Academic Dean. A student may not remain on academic probation for more than three successive semesters. Students on academic probation will not be eligible for class office or participation in student musical groups. Extra-curricular activities may also be restricted. Academic probation will be indicated on the student’s transcript. The Department of Veterans Affairs will be notified if a veteran is on probation for more than two (2) semesters.
Withdrawal from School
Any student who desires to withdraw from school must complete a withdrawal form available in the school office. Until this form is completed and submitted, the student is considered officially enrolled even though he may not be attending classes. Class absences continue to accumulate, and the student is not eligible for any refund of charges until he is officially withdrawn.
Any student desiring a copy of his transcript to be sent to another school may request it by submitting a signed, dated request to the Registrar office and furnishing the name and address of the institution to which it is to be sent. Email: The first transcript will be sent free; subsequent copies will cost $5.00 each. No transcript can be sent until all financial obligations have been met or satisfactory arrangements made with the Director of Finance.
Dean’s List
At the close of each semester, the names of all students who carried at least 12 hours and whose grade point average is 3.5 or above, with no grade lower than a B-, will be published by the Academic Dean.
Schedule Change
Within the first week of the semester, a student may drop and/or add a course to his schedule, with the approval of the Academic Dean. After the first week, a student may not add a course to his schedule.
A student may withdraw from a course at any time during the semester with the approval of the Academic Dean. The assessment of grade is as follows:
Within the first through sixth weeks VWD
After the sixth week F
After the sixth week, a grade of F is automatic unless there are circumstances that necessitate such withdrawal.
Credit Hour Definition
Penn View Bible Institute calculates academic credit in semester hours. Each credit given in the course descriptions represents 16 hours of instruction. In measuring net instruction, there will be included customary intervals not to exceed ten minutes between classes.