Student Advisement and Support

Students may receive guidance, mentoring, and advice from a diversity of staff and faculty relating to personal, social, spiritual, and academic life. Resident Social Deans for Men’s and Ladies dormitories are available for student mentoring involving all aspects of campus life.

Student Advisement

To assist in the development of sound Christian character in each of our students, all administrative officers as well as faculty members are available for advice and counsel related to spiritual, social, or academic needs. Administrators, faculty, and staff provide students with informal career counseling. Division directors are aware of opportunities for the graduates and can help them make connections with churches, mission boards, schools, and other places where a graduate may find ministry engagement. The Academic Dean converses with students to discuss their plans and to facilitate their moving into ministry. Administrators, faculty, and staff continue to connect with alumni informally to discuss ministry/career opportunities.

Student Learning Support

Administrators, faculty and staff converse with students in order to be aware of their needs and provide assistance toward better study skills.  As the school year progresses, grade reports assist in identifying at-risk students.  Students who receive more than one D or F on their semester grade report and those whose GPA is under 2.00 are classified as at-risk.  They are assigned to attend weekly sessions conducted by a faculty member to assist them in improving their personal study habits, time management, and general planning.  They are advised how to maximize their learning styles.  Faculty and staff continue to engage with the students to encourage their success

Health Services

The Penn View staff nurse provides limited health care. The nurse is available during regular school hours, and, if needed, in the evening. Appointments with an area physician may be arranged through the nurse’s office if desired. Transportation to a medical facility in case of emergency arising from accident or acute illness is also provided.

  • Health Services: An EMT/Paramedic are on call for emergency medical needs. The school nurse is available for medical needs during their office hours.
  • Area Orientation: Maps provided for new students detailing area medical services.
  • Evaluation: Survey polling student life, activities, and social interaction on campus.


Penn View Bible Institute welcomes and seeks academically qualified persons from all ethnic origins who desire to participate in a spiritually disciplined atmosphere and who are in agreement with the doctrinal statement, ethical standards, educational philosophy, mission, goals, and objectives of the institution.  Penn View Bible Institute does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, age, ethnic origin, or disability in its admission of students or its employment of faculty and staff.

ADA Policy

Penn View Bible Institute (PVBI) provides equal opportunity for all qualified persons without regard to disability in the recruitment of, admission to, participation in, treatment in or employment in the programs and activities operated and sponsored by the Institute in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and other related federal and state law. [ Full ADA Policies (.docx) ]