Admission Requirements

The application process just takes 10–20 minutes to complete, and as soon as you press submit, you will start your journey with us! 

Provided he or she meets the requirements for admissions, a person of any race, color or national origin may be admitted to the school. Because of the unique philosophy and purpose of Penn View Bible Institute, however, only those who give evidence of being genuine Christians and whose lives are in harmony with the principles and standards of the Institute will be considered for admission. Any student failing to maintain a consistent Christian life, including the expression of proper Christian attitudes, may be asked to discontinue attendance.

The primary educational requirement for admission to Penn View Bible Institute is graduation from high school. This requirement may be met by achieving satisfactory scores on the General Educational Development Test (GED).

ACT (college code: 3661), SAT (college code: 2639), or CLT test Scores should be forwarded to the Admissions Office. All entering freshmen will be tested as part of their orientation. The test results will be used in guidance and placement of the student.

ACT Information

American College Testing Program
PO Box 414
Iowa City, IA 52243
PVBI’s ACT code is 3661

SAT Information

College Entrance Examination Board
PO Box 592
Princeton, NJ 08540
PVBI’s SAT code is 2639

CLT Information

Classic Learning Test
67 Franklin St.
Annapolis, MD 21401

The individual seeking admission should take the following steps:

  • Submit Application for Admissions and recent photograph or snapshot. This process may be completed online.
  • Write and submit the essay as described on the Application for Admissions.
  • Obtain volunteers to submit character references and list their names and addresses on the Application for Admission. One should be the pastor of the applicant. None should be a relative of the applicant. If an email address is provided, the admissions office will send an online link for the character reference form to your selected person submitting a character reference, providing them with the convenience of submitting the reference form online.
  • Using the Transcript Request Form, the applicantj should request that his high school send an official copy of his transcript directly to Penn View Bible Institute. Transcripts from all schools attended after high school must also be submitted. If additional copies are needed, photocopies of this form may be made.
  • A health form will be sent to the applicant. The applicant and a medical doctor (M.D. or D.O.) should complete this form. The physician must return the completed health form to Penn View Bible Institute.
  • The prospective student will be notified promptly of the decision of the Admissions Committee.

Note: The application deadlines are:

  • Fall Term – August 1
  • Spring Term – December 15


Any student who discontinues attendance for one or more semesters must submit an application for readmission with the Academic Dean by the application deadline of the semester he plans to re-enroll.

Classification of Students

Regular students will be classified at the beginning of the fall term. This classification will extend through the entire school term. The classification is based on accumulated hours and is as follows:

  • Freshman 0-29 credits
  • Sophomore 30-59 credits
  • Junior 60-94 credits
  • Senior 95 credits

Students who intend to make up deficiencies and have specific plans to do so in order to graduate with their entering class may be allowed to advance provided they lack no more than three credits for underclassmen or five for Juniors entering the Senior level. In rare cases, a student may be classified as a Junior with as few as 54 credits if the student is committed to make up the deficiency and graduate with his class. In order to be classified as a full-time student, the student must be carrying an academic load of at least 12 credits.

Special Students

Individuals who do not meet the admission requirements of Penn View Bible Institute, but who desire to enroll in selected courses, may be admitted as special students. In the effort to assure students’ ability to benefit, PVBI requires either a high school diploma or satisfactory scores on the General Educational Development Test (GED). If a special student is able at a later time to meet the admission requirements, he may at that time become a regular student. In such a case, previous course work would not apply toward the diploma program. An exception to this regulation is that acknowledgement of completion of one semester’s work may be granted provided that admission requirements are met prior to the commencement of the following semester.

Auditing of Courses

Under this provision, regular students may take courses for personal benefit without the responsibility of completing assignments. An audit student will be required to take notes (unless some handicap prevents it), but he will not take the final examination. Attendance requirements are the same for all students regardless of status. “Audit” will appear on the transcript. Consult the fee schedule for audit charges.

Transfer Credit

Academic credit earned at other similar institutions may be received in transfer and applied toward a program of study at Penn View Bible Institute. Only courses in which a grade of C (2.0) was earned and which will apply toward program requirements are transferable. This determination will be made through an evaluation by the Academic Dean.

Requests for transfer credits from unaccredited institutions will be considered based on review of faculty credentials, syllabi, and the success of other students from that institution. Such transfers would be accepted provisionally until the student completes 15 credits at Penn View Bible Institute with a Grade Point Average of 2.0.

No more than 15 credits of correspondence work from a recognized school may be applied on a diploma program.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Penn View Bible Institute is compliant with The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), which affords eligible students certain rights with respect to education records.

ACT Information

American College Testing Program
PO Box 414
Iowa City, IA 52243
PVBI’s ACT code is 3661

SAT Information

College Entrance Examination Board
PO Box 592
Princeton, NJ 08540
PVBI’s SAT code is 2639

CLT Information

Classic Learning Test
67 Franklin St.
Annapolis, MD 21401

We want to make this process as easy as possible. If you have any questions, contact us by phone at 570-837-1855 or by email at We are here to help!

The individual seeking admission should take the following steps:

  • Submit application and recent photograph or snapshot. This process may be completed online.
  • Obtain volunteers to submit character references and list their names and addresses on the application form in the appropriate space. One should be the pastor of the applicant. None should be a relative of the applicant. If an email address is provided, the admissions office will send an online link for the character reference form to your selected person submitting a character reference, providing them with the convenience of submitting the reference form online.
  • The high school graduate should request that his high school send an official copy of his transcript directly to Penn View Bible Institute. Transcripts from all schools attended after high school must also be submitted.
  • A health form will be sent to the applicant. This form should be completed by the applicant and a medical doctor (M.D. or D.O.). The completed health form must be returned to Penn View Bible Institute by the physician.
  • The prospective student will be notified promptly of the decision of the Admissions Committee.

Note: The application deadlines are:

  • Fall Term – August 1
  • Spring Term – December 15

Any student who discontinues attendance for one or more semesters must submit an application for readmission with the Academic Dean by the application deadline of the semester he plans to re-enroll. No readmission fee is charged except in the case of late application, for which there is a fee of $5.


Any student who discontinues attendance for one or more semesters must submit an application for readmission with the Academic Dean by the application deadline of the semester he plans to re-enroll. No readmission fee is charged except in the case of late application, for which there is a fee of $5.

Classification of Students
Regular students will be classified at the beginning of the fall term. This classification will extend through the entire school term. The classification is based on accumulated hours and is as follows:

  • Freshman 0-29 hours
  • Sophomore 30-59 hours
  • Junior 60-94 hours
  • Senior 95 hours

Students who intend to make up deficiencies and have specific plans to do so in order to graduate with their entering class may be allowed to advance provided they lack no more than three hours for underclassmen or five for Juniors entering the Senior level. In rare cases, a student may be classified as a Junior with as few as 54 hours if the student is committed to make up the deficiency and graduate with his class. In order to be classified as a full-time student, the student must be carrying an academic load of at least 12 hours.

Special Students
Individuals who do not meet the admission requirements of Penn View Bible Institute, but who desire to enroll in selected courses, may be admitted as special students. If a special student is able at a later time to meet the admission requirements, he may at that time become a regular student. In such a case, previous course work would not apply toward the diploma program. An exception to this regulation is that acknowledgement of completion of one semester’s work may be granted provided that admission requirements are met prior to the commencement of the following semester.

Auditing of Courses
Under this provision, regular students may take courses for personal benefit without the responsibility of completing assignments. An audit student will be required to take notes (unless some handicap prevents it), but he will not take the final examination. Attendance requirements are the same for all students regardless of status. “Audit” will appear on the transcript. Consult the fee schedule for audit charges.

Transfer Credit
Academic credit earned at other similar institutions may be received in transfer and applied toward a program of study at Penn View Bible Institute. Only courses in which a grade of C (2.0) was earned and which will apply toward program requirements are transferable. This determination will be made through an evaluation by the Academic Dean.

Requests for transfer credits from unaccredited institutions will be considered based on review of faculty credentials, syllabi, and the success of other students from that institution. Such transfers would be accepted provisionally until the student completes 15 course hours at Penn View Bible Institute with a Grade Point Average of 2.0.

No more than 15 hours of correspondence work from a recognized school may be applied on a diploma program.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Penn View Bible Institute is compliant with The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), which affords eligible students certain rights with respect to education records. [ Full FERPA Policy ]