Student Life
Our mission is to provide holistic student services for the purpose of enhancing student life in at least three different aspects: intellectually, spiritually, and socially so that students will demonstrate development towards an integrated Christian lifestyle.
Kyle Markel
Director of Student Life
Micheal Edwards
Dean of Men
Cynthia Gandee
Dean of Women
Our goal in the Student Life department of Penn View Bible Institute is to help our students succeed spiritually, intellectually, and socially. The Mission of the Director of Student Life and the Social Deans is to come alongside of our students supporting, encouraging, inspiring, and developing them through the enhancements of campus and student life. From dorm life to down time, from Intramurals to interpersonal relationships we will listen to you, talk and pray with you, advise and mentor you while enjoying a lot of fun and exciting times with you. We are here for you when you make those incredibly life-changing choices, spiritually impacting decisions, and unforgettable college memories!