Institutional Goals

We seek to help the student:


  • To know Christ as personal Savior and to make a total consecration of one’s life to Christ in entire sanctification
  • To cultivate an increasingly intimate relationship with Christ and a holy character reflective of biblical teaching
  • To cultivate a love for the Bible as the Word of God, as the source of our knowledge of salvation, as the source of our worldview, and as the guide for holy living


  • To understand basic Bible content and doctrine
  • To construct a biblical worldview
  • To obtain general knowledge and to develop intellectual skills of inquiry, analysis, critical thinking, written and oral communication, and ethical reasoning
  • To establish an adequate intellectual foundation for professional ministry


  • To become effective in the cultivation of interpersonal relationships
  • To develop communication skills, professional courtesy, and a culture of mutual understanding
  • To become a responsible member of social structures such as family, church, nation, and world


  • To apply the biblical worldview in problem-solving and in decision-making that includes seeking divine guidance
  • To achieve entry-level proficiency in professional Christian service
  • To develop commitment to lifelong learning