Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies

Program Objectives

In keeping with the Institutional Goals, the Biblical Studies Program is designed specifically:

1. To provide the Christian worker with a foundational knowledge of the English Bible, studying it first in overview and then by significant books and groupings of books.

2. To aid the student in developing:

a. a thorough understanding of the great doctrines of the Scripture,

b. skills in interpreting Scripture properly, and

c. the ability to make application of its message in practical Christian living.

3. To prepare the student to teach Bible in a variety of settings.

4. To assist the student in understanding and appreciating the New Testament Church as God’s plan for this dispensation. Involved in this is the development of basic concepts in evangelism and the ministry of the church.

5. To help the student prepare for a life of total dedication to the ministry of Christ and His church.

Course Requirements are as follows (Total 126 hours)

General Education, 34 hours, consisting of:
History of Western Civilization, 6 hours; English, 6 hours; General Psychology, 3 hours; Speech Communication, 3 hours; Discussion Leadership, 3 hours; Introduction to Philosophy, 3 hours; Literature (English or American), 3 hours; Biological Science, 3 hours; College Study Skills, 1 hour; General Electives, 3 hours.

Bible/Theology, 56 hours, consisting of:
Bible Survey, 6 hours; Gospels, 6 hours; Pentateuch I, 3 hours; Acts, 3 hours; Biblical Hermeneutics, 3 hours; Pauline Epistles, 12 hours; Christian Beliefs, 3 hours; Theology of Holiness, 3 hours; Systematic Theology, 6 hours; Principles of Christian Living, 2 hours, Bible/Theology Electives, 9 hours.

Professional Education, 36 hours, consisting of:
Personal Evangelism, 3 hours; Church History, 6 hours; Teaching Bible, 3 hours; Teaching Methods, 3 hours; Teaching Bible Practicum, 3 hours; Psychology Elective, 3 hours; Art & Visuals, 3 hours; Church Music Administration, 3 hours; Missions Elective, 6 hours; Professional Electives, 3 hours.

Suggested Schedule

(beginning even-numbered fall)